Monday 29 December 2014

巨乳过激令人Hold不住 《武媚娘》惨遭停播

由范冰冰、张钧宁、张庭、周海媚等人主演的《武媚娘传奇》,女星们各个「波涛汹涌」,「胸猛」无敌,性感指数破表!就连摄影师都Hold 不住,拍摄期间流鼻血!

Sunday 28 December 2014

我从Air Asia QZ8501客机失联事件学到的事情

迈入2014年最后一个星期,竟然再次发生了Air Asia客机失联事件,真是人生无常啊。。 今年发生的天灾人祸真的太多太多了, 更夺走了许多宝贵的性命,马来西亚东海岸严重水灾还未平定,结果今天还迎来了令人悲痛的客机失联事件,机上的乘客和执勤人员都下落不明。看到了这件消息,笔者的心里感到十分难过,失联乘客的家属的心情更是悲痛欲绝 ,除了替他们祈祷,笔者也只能期盼这些天灾不要再次发生,除了祈祷,也只能再祈祷。。

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Ella廚房与老公恩爱 遭第三者拍下



Kim Woo Bin and Lee Hyun Woo to guest on 'Running Man' [金宇彬、李玹雨录制《running man》]

12月1日,据韩国SBS电视台相关人员表示“金宇彬、李玹雨在首尔明洞等地一同拍摄《running man》,以‘寻宝’为主题展开比赛。”
December 1, according to South Korean TV station SBS relevant personnel said, "Kim Woo-bin and Lee Hyun-woo shooting "running man" in Seoul Myeong-dong and other places, with 'treasure hunt' as the theme to start the game."

Super Junior 圭贤出演《罗宾汉》男主,音乐剧演员的乘胜追击

12月1日,SM娱乐宣布,证实Super Junior 圭贤出演 《罗宾汉》音乐剧的男主角。此剧将在明年1月开幕,在首尔九老区D-Cube艺术中心演出。

歌谣及音乐剧相关人员透露,圭贤近日已与演员刘俊相、BEAST 梁耀燮等共同完成了角色照片的拍摄。粉丝们敬请耐心等待咯!

Super Junior's Kyuhyun has been casted in 'Robin Hood' musical

On December 1st, SM Entertainment announced that Kyuhyun has been confirmed to play in 'Robin Hood' musical alongside actor Yoo Joon Sang and B2ST's Yoseob. 'Robin Hood' musical will be opened in D-Cube Arts Center in Seoul in January next year.

小S性感開口唱爵士 化名大象娣重返歌壇

EXO-K's CF for Baskin Robbins [EXO-K代言人气品牌冰淇淋Baskin Robbins]

EXO-K为韩国人气品牌冰淇淋Baskin Robbins代言 冰淇淋蛋糕。而该品牌公开的拍摄广告中,除了帅气的脸庞之外,广告也充满了圣诞主题的风格,而且童话气息十足哦。
EXO-K endorses popular brand Baskin Robbins ice cream . The brand recently disclosed the shooting of advertising, not only filled with Christmas style, but also full of fairy tale atmosphere.
Besides the ice cream cakes, EXO-K also sponsors Baskin Robbins' ice cream Flavor of the Month "Winterberry Chip". On their poster it writes "Would you Berry Me?"

韩团2AM来马站台 (Korean idol group 2AM came to Malaysia)

韩国美声偶像团体2AM 来马为韩国连锁咖啡店 dal.kommcoffee主持剪彩,吸引大批粉丝支持。
Korean idol group 2AM came to Malaysia presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony of coffee shops dal.kommcoffee, attracting a large number of fans support.

《Pinocchio》收视荣登同档剧榜首 李锺硕人气飙涨 "Pinocchio" audience ratings topped the list . Lee Jong-seok soaring in popularity

Acted by South Korean cute actress Park Shin Hye, and super warm man Lee Jong-suk, the hit drama "Pinocchio" greatly welcomed by fans, the actor's name also quickly appeared in major search list, made him rising in popularity.
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